5 Ways To Avoid Being POOR (Most People Will Always Be)

Cozma Claudiu
4 min readMar 24, 2023
Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”

There are a lot of myths surrounding wealth that make it seem like only a select few are able to grow their bank accounts.

But I want to share with you some ways to avoid being poor and keep your finances in order so that you can enjoy financial freedom!

1. Don’t focus on the money

The first thing to do is to not focus on the money.

Focusing on the money will only make you feel poor and frustrated, because there are a lot of people who have more than you do. Instead of focusing on what they have, focus on what you want to accomplish with your life and how much fun it will be when it happens.

If this is something that sounds impossible for whatever reason (like maybe you were born without arms), then try another way: try different things until something clicks for ya!

Don’t let fear hold ya back from trying new things; there are plenty of opportunities around every corner waiting for someone like me or even someone like YOU! Just remember one thing though: ask questions before jumping into anything too big or scary — no matter how bad I may seem sometimes (I’m kidding).



Cozma Claudiu

Full-Time YouTuber, I like writing and talking about money and marketing! Follow me if that's something that interests you.