8 EASY Minimalist habits to start saving money 💰

Cozma Claudiu
5 min readJan 29, 2023
Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

I’ve been a minimalist for years, but I still struggle with certain habits that can be tough to break.

For example, I love to eat out and spend money on groceries.

The best way to save money is by changing your spending habits, but it’s also hard because there are so many things we need and want each day.

Cut out clothing purchases

There’s a reason why this is at the top of the list: it’s probably the easiest habit to form, and one that will save you money in a major way.

Clothing purchases are often made on impulse, or with the idea that they’ll be worn often. But then they sit in your closet taking up space and collecting dust (or perhaps even making its way into landfills).

You could easily spend hundreds or thousands each year on clothing that you don’t really need or wear — and if you’re spending more than $100 per month on clothes alone, cutting back would be a great place to start saving money!

Don’t be tempted by fashion trends

You know those people who have a closet full of clothes they never wear?

You know, the ones who buy new outfits every season and end up donating them all because they didn’t like them…



Cozma Claudiu

Full-Time YouTuber, I like writing and talking about money and marketing! Follow me if that's something that interests you.