8 High-Paying Side Jobs That Can Earn You $20k-$30k/Year

If you’ve ever felt like your salary isn’t enough for the lifestyle you want, there are plenty of ways to earn extra cash outside of your day job. With some creativity and hard work, it’s possible to make an extra $20k-$30k per year.

Cozma Claudiu
5 min readSep 25, 2022
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Fundraising event coordinator

If you’re looking to raise money for a cause, this side job could be the ideal gig for you. A fundraising event coordinator helps people like non-profits, churches and other community organizations organize events that benefit their cause.

A fundraising event coordinator usually gets paid by the hour or as a percentage of ticket sales. If your client can’t afford to pay you much up front or at all, they may provide meals or lodging during the planning process in exchange for your services. Whatever works best for everyone is fine!

In addition to having strong communication skills, it’s important that fundraising event coordinators are good at organizing and managing multiple tasks at once.

This can include coordinating volunteers who help sell tickets (and keep track of how many they sell), putting together marketing…



Cozma Claudiu

Full-Time YouTuber, I like writing and talking about money and marketing! Follow me if that's something that interests you.