9 Crucial Things Every Programmer Should Know

In software development, there are many different skills that you can learn and practice. But being a programmer is not just about knowing how to write code. There are several essential aspects of the profession that are often overlooked by beginners and even experienced developers alike.

Cozma Claudiu
6 min readOct 25, 2022
Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

You should have a passion for learning.

It’s important to have a passion for learning. This is the only way you can keep up with the ever-changing technology world and be competitive in your field.

It’s also crucial that you learn from your mistakes. If you make a mistake, take time to think about what happened and why it happened. Make sure you understand the problem well enough so that it won’t happen again!

If there are problems that seem impossible to solve, try thinking outside of the box — maybe there’s another way of looking at things or approaching them from an angle no one has thought about before (or maybe just try asking someone else).

You are responsible for your education.



Cozma Claudiu

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