How I Created 5 Income Streams That Helped Me Earn $6,000 Per Month

Cozma Claudiu
5 min readAug 24, 2022

If you’re like me, you’ve probably been looking for ways to earn more money.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Maybe you have a side hustle or two that’s helping out, but it could always be better.

I was in the same boat — until I realized the opportunities to make money are endless!

In fact, there are so many different ways to make money that it’s hard to choose just one.

So instead of focusing on just one income stream and hoping it pays off (and possibly failing), why not try multiple ways?

Income Stream 1: Social Media Consulting

This is the most passive of all my income streams because it requires little or no effort on my part. I’ve been an active member of the social media community for years and have built up a following that trusts me to provide helpful content and honest advice about their careers.

As a result, when someone needs help with their own social media presence or wants to learn best practices from someone who knows what they’re doing, they come to me!

Nowadays, your clients can be found in just about any industry you can imagine: small business owners who want to attract new customers through Facebook ads; bloggers looking for ways to grow…



Cozma Claudiu

Full-Time YouTuber, I like writing and talking about money and marketing! Follow me if that's something that interests you.